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Bathing Babies in Small Bathrooms

Theo modelling the bath sling with K'Pure Naturals always within reach.

As I recently packed up our Puj Tub to give to an expecting friend, I remembered that this travel tub lasted us until Theo was almost 6 months old!  Mae has outgrown it after just 3 months!  Still, despite it’s sometimes short lifespan, it is one of my favourite Newborn Small Space Essentials (View my previous list Here and an update Here and Here) for making bathing a newborn a safe and peaceful experience. For our space, I love how it easily folds and hangs behind the door when not in use.  Apparently it is great for travel as well (we use the travel version at home) but I usually just make do without it when travelling.

Since our chubby little baby has outgrown the Puj Tub, I thought I should mention the bath accessory we used with Theo for the next stage of bathing ie. Not sitting up but too big for our sink and are now using again with Mae.  It is this simple white mesh sling we found at Toys R Us (Same Here).  It’s only $10.99!  You just lay your baby on it and fill the water up to a safe level.  I also turn her around on her stomach and she almost looks like she's swimming.  It's harder on my back than bathing in the sink but now I can bath the kids together (while regulating Theo’s splashing and moving around constantly!). The sling is so tiny it tucks away in our linen closet or hangs off the side of the tube when drying. Because it is white I find it disappears in our bathroom and doesn't add more visual clutter.  A great small space solution that is affordable too!

(I didn't find this to be a long lasting item, so we purchased it again, new, for Mae)