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Sharing A Kids Room in 600sqft (Part 1)

I honestly have no idea how to share a bedroom with a 3 year old and a baby but we will find ourselves in this situation in 4 short months. I want to start this series to consider all the ideas to make this shared small space work. Hopefully by sharing them here we will be able to narrow it down to the best option for function, style and value,


A bed that folds away, two beds in fact.  Our wall bed has made all the difference for living comfortably in our small space.  So why couldn't it work for the kid's bedroom?  Theo could start on the lower bunk and then move to the top in a could of years when the baby is ready for a bed (and it's safe for him to be on the top).  Bunk wall beds would also leave the majority of their room clear for play as the closed bed only takes up 12" of depth.  Our wall bed was from Resource Furniture and if we went this direction I would buy there again.  The investment in quality was worth the price.

Resource Furniture

Resource Furniture 

More parts of this series to come.  Would love to hear your thoughts and feedback!