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Storage Ideas for Small Entries

I’ve been thinking about entryways lately….

Not for myself, I think my entryway(s) are functioning pretty well, except for the constant pestering my family (including myself) to put our shoes away. I have been repeating to myself lately… “don’t put it down, put it away”. It’s really helping me. We also turned the 18”Wide closet into shoe storage only. We fit in a skinny pax and added the shoe shelves and a ceiling mounted curtain. It’s not the most aesthetic solution but it is working for us.

But I have been thinking about other’s entryways. And how many of our small apartments and houses lack any type of entryway organization or closet. So I am always keeping my eye out for solutions.

The IKEA Stall cabinet is still a great option. We had it in old apartment it served us well. In really narrow spaces I still think it’s a great option. I particularly like it in a narrow hallway doubled up. I wish it came in more finish options! and even a new handle would be nice, if you are listening Ikea. Too funny I wrote this sentence and then double checked and there’s a new finish (in the US so far)! In our old apartment we removed the legs and wall-mounted our STALL, i think it elevated it a bit. I haven’t seen the oak in person but this could be nice option.

I also noticed this Ikea cabinet TONSTAD that I thought could work as an entry solution. I was picturing two of them together. Not everyone has 14/34” depth but if you do, it might be nice solution.

I recently added these Sundays Keep Stacking to my living room but I also recommended them to a friend with no entry closet but I bit of extra depth along her stairs. I like that they are modular and quite lovely solid wood. They could hold shoes, bags, sports stuff etc. Especially if stacked.

Sundays Keep Stacking HERE
And I learned you could add a lid to make it more of a bench HERE

Along with cabinets I have been thinking about hooks and landing zones for mail and keys. I think we have done our last round of Something Smalls (maybe I can license it to someone else to make?). Here are a few drop zone solutions and hooks that have come across my path that I think would be good for a few coats, dog leashes, backpacks, bags. etc.

Muuto Folded Shelves - HERE

The tall option especially reminds me of the Something Small because it can hold quite a bit of mail but because half of it is obscured I think it looks tidy, The hooks can hold keys and the ledge can hold wallets. A helpful drop zone that is not taking up precious floor space.

Hooks for a few key items can go a long way though I caution that I find hooks easily overflow (especially in our house) so keep eye on that. Some hook ideas HERE and HERE and HERE. Don’t forget that a bag on a hook can help corral like items. You can see our bag of gloves and toques in the photo at the start of this page.

Swell Wall Hanger - HERE

I love this wall hook organizer too because it can hold some mail, keys and a few key accessories.

If you are lucky to have an entry closet

One more thing I’ll note is that if you are lucky enough to have an entry closet, I would make sure you are maximizing that space. Are you using the back of the door? A hanging organizer on the back of the door can go a long way to organizing family accessories. Are there shelves or drawers at the bottom of the closet? Could a hanging organizer help? Use every inch of that closet. Some organizers we have used in the past are HERE HERE and HERE to maximize hanging and back of door spaces.

Seasonal closet

Also swapping the items for your entryway/closet so it is only the things you are currently using can help alot. Other seasonal items go in the bedrooms or up high. This can require swap-outs monthly as coat and shoe needs change. I do it with our entry hooks… oh it’s winter coat season - fall coats in the closet. Oops it warmed up again - winter coats in the closet! This helps small entryways remain as calm and uncluttered as possible.

Hope these thoughts on entryways help you reconsider your small entryway and spark some ideas!

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