Surviving Small Space Living: Getting Out for WorkOuts
Saturday mornings at The Dailey Method I look forward to all week
Like most women, self-care is something I have struggled with since becoming a mother. And I would argue that self-care is a bit trickier in a small space as there is no where to hide. Postpartum with Mae, Trevor kept encouraging me to exercise but I was pretty overwhelmed with two kids in our small space and thought I was getting enough exercise walking in the rainiest winter (ever!) with both kids. Also, I was wearing Mae for most of the day due to reflux and her love of being held. Finally after about 6 months, a messed up back and knees that kept giving out, I realized I needed to exercise for me.
Now I know there are those living in small spaces with kids who manage to exercise in the home (and I am SO impressed by you) but this has never worked for me. I can't get motivated and I don't love having the kids crawling all over me when I'm trying to work out. Work outs for me are an escape and a break from our space. I want to be motivated and challenged and I want to forget about the dishes that need cleaning or the floor that needs vacuuming. The best thing I've done for myself this year as a new mother of 2 and especially in the moments where I wasn't sure if we could stay in 600 square feet was to get out of the house for a work out. My workout of choice for the last 4 months or so has been The Dailey Method. I signed up for the New Client Pass after seeing how strong, and lean my friend Jen has been ever since she began instructing a few years ago. I also noticed how fit she stayed during both her pregnancies and how quickly she recovered, I wanted in! After one class, I was instantly hooked. I love the barre work combined with stretching, core conditioning and strength building using your whole body. I see elements of ballet, yoga and pilates in each class. Before I started taking Dailey Method I was seeing a massage therapist regularly to treat my back from carrying Mae so much. After a month of Dailey Method I didn't have to go anymore. I feel stronger and healthier from my classes. The classes, while tough are also full of positive motivation which really works for me. I always leave class tired, a bit shaky legged and uplifted. But more than that, it is something that I do just for me which as a mom of two on maternity leave I have found difficult to do.
On Saturday mornings I do an early morning class with a couple girlfriends and then we go for coffee. It's a couple hours just for me. And if I didn't have my Dailey Method class outside of the home to go to I know I would just end up cleaning the house or playing with the kids and forget to take care of me. I realize classes outside the home is not something everyone can afford but part of our small living lifestyle and minimal shopping due to said space, this is something we can budget for.
Oh and while I don't take advantage due to distance, the Dunbar location offers free childcare! (Correction: this is only free with the New Mama Pass which is the one I used. Otherwise childcare has a small fee, Sorry for any confusion!)
I am currently an Ambassador for The Dailey Method Vancouver. While I have purchased Dailey Method Classes, this post is in partnership with The Dailey Method. Opinions are completely my own.