Seasons of Baby Gear
Baby and Toy explosion in our living room
I don’t know if it’s because this is my second go around or if it’s because Mae is sooo much bigger than Theo was at this age but it seems that we are outgrowing our newborn items much faster. This is bringing into focus for me how quickly everything can change with kids and how, as my mother often says, everything is a season. In our small space I have moments where I feel overwhelmed by all the “baby things” we have (and we have very few comparatively), but then I am quickly reminded that all of this is a season and soon we won’t need many of these things. While each developmental phase brings some new gear or toys with it, I don’t believe there is a phase that requires as much gear as the first year.
For example, the play mat/activity gym (similar here) we have is big and bright and I feel that I am always shifting it around the house. But before I know it the play mat won’t entertain her anymore and she will be crawling and getting into everything. I will pass the play mat on to a friend and then I’m sure I will have a moment of sadness missing that stage. I know I will also forget I was ever missing those 2 square feet of space.
I guess what I am trying to say is that while the days are long, the months are short and the things that are making me crazy in our space won’t be there forever. I haven't found there to be a time more full of "things" than the first year of a baby's life. So I know if we can manage our small space during this time it will only get better.