Our Bassinet

I am so grateful for everyone who takes the time to leave a comment or send me an email with your thoughts and questions on small living.  Sometimes it feels like we are the only ones trying to live small in the city with kids but here on this site I find support and common ground. A perfect example of this feedback was in the hunt for a bassinet.  I received so many wonderful suggestions and advice.  One comment praising the Monte Rockwell Bassinet, especially the fact that the soft bassinet is movable from it's base for easy toting around the house or overnight stays, tipped the scales in its favour for me.  

Another factor in our decision-making process for the bassinet is that Monte Design is a Canadian company.  I love to support home grown business when I can.  Hopefully this little girl will be a slow mover like her brother so we can get as many months as possible out of this bassinet.  For now I am in love with it's clean lines, super soft bassinet and all the play area still left in Theo's room. 

Things are getting real, pretty fast around here! About 11 more weeks to go!

Rockwell Bassinet by Monte Design