An Alternative Advent


I wanted to make an advent calendar for Theo this year that didn’t involve candy or chocolate but with all the travel I have been doing lately for work I was running out of time despite pinning a bunch of pretty inspirational Advent Calendars (over here). Luckily I went to a workshop at Collage Collage (a beautiful local art/craft/kids shop) where all I had to do was assemble the cute wooden calendar they had already designed. 

Collage Collage also had the wonderful idea of putting slips of paper with activities to do as a family this holiday season.  I added a couple of their activity ideas like “Making Christmas Cookies”, “Donate a Gift”, and “Make a Card for your Teacher”… but considering Theo is only 2 I wanted him to actually love and understand the Advent calendar.  So I filled it with something he understands and loves, STICKERS! I also added a few plastic woodland animals for good measure and to keep him guessing.

If you want to make one too, Collage Collage has some DIY kits in their shop!