Small Updates: Lighting our Space
With the sun reflecting off our dishwasher here I really wish I could switch all our appliances to white! But this is about the new white track light above.
In some ways we can be a very fast moving family. As in we agree to plan a trip and a week later it's done and we are going on a big adventure. But in other ways we are sooo slow. Sometimes we joke that the reason we live small is because we are too indecisive to move!
This brings me to our lighting, where this past week our track lighting in our kitchen died. I have hated this spindly chrome light since the day we moved in 8 years ago. I even repaired it once against my better judgement. See this is the downside of a minimalist mentality. If something works and is not a priority to replace then you leave it. But I like to argue that in a small space, true minimalism means that all things in your space should bring you joy (I've never read Marie Kondo but I'm sure I would love it). When the transformer died again last week I decided to spend some money and upgrade the light. Now track lighting is nothing to get excited about and if we had the extra funds and time I would love to install directional pot lights instead. But in this case lighting the entire kitchen as well as having the option of one light shining on our dining table... track wins.
I found this picture from our apartment therapy house tour a few years ago to show our old light fixture... I can't find any recent pics because I always crop it out, ha! photo by: Elissa M Crowe.
I found the cleanest most minimal matte white track I could (within budget) and Trevor spent the afternoon installing it. Now we just need a dimmer! Little updates making our space feel new again. And just when I was excited to never look at that light again I remember it's twin is in my entry, ugh! Our entry hallway is tiny and doesn't need a track to provide adequate or directional light so I am on the hunt for a ceiling flushmount fixture. Here are some of my top picks. Let me know if you have seen any others you love. We are on our way to having every light fixture in our space be beautiful and functional, it only took 8+ years!