Things you don't need when you are about to have a baby
Using this excuse to post a pic of Mae a couple months old with the one soft baby blanket we used and the portable change mat.
It can be so overwhelming being pregnant, especially in a small apartment (or any space) where everyone is telling you the many many things you NEED in order to have a baby. There is truly so little you need to have a baby. Somewhere for baby to sleep, a good stroller and a few options to give your arms a rest. Here is an older post of my most loved items that made having a baby in a small space easier. But you could probably even do with half of that with a little ingenuity. Below are some things you may think you need when expecting but you don't.....
Change Table (a portable mat and a canvas bin to hold diapers and wipes is all you need)
Diaper Bag ( a backpack with some zippered pouches like these works fine)
More than 2 carriers ( 1 Ergo, 1 Sling or Wrap)
More than 1 baby chair ( I recommend the Nuna Leaf or Baby Bjorn Bouncer)
More than 2 Bottles (wash them by hand quickly (sanitize in early days) or put them in the dishwasher)
Wipe Warmer (rub a wipe in your hands to warm it up, or just use it cold)
Bottle Warmer (warm up in warm water, or again just cold)
Bottle Sterilizer
More than 4 blankets (1 cozy, 3 swaddles)
Baby Jeans (I know so cute but so hard to get on and not comfortable!)
Baby Shoes! (one pair that stays on for each size is all you need. I loved Mini Mocs.)
Large Plastic Toys ( babies don't need much to be entertained, wait until they need entertainment then choose carefully and swap out regularly)
I'm sure there is even more you can do without! What did I miss?