All Mini Cribs Are Not The Same
Theo in the Babyletto Grayson over 1.5 years old
I think I've been pretty vocal about how much I love a mini crib for a small space. I now feel like I can speak to mini cribs with more experience. For one, I have now used two different mini cribs. Secondly, I have two very different sized babies with very different sleeping habits. Finally, I understand why some people were shocked that Theo lasted in his mini crib until he was over 2 years old!
The story behind using different mini cribs is that we lent our Babyletto Grayson crib (similar version here) to our dear friends who have their baby in a one bedroom apartment that is very conveniently a 15 minute walk from our house. Our crib had been working so nicely for them that when Mae outgrew her bassinet at 5 months I didn't want to ask for our crib back. Selfishly, I knew our friends were looking for a bigger place and I thought that asking for the crib back might speed up their move. We love having them so close. These are friends who love our kids like they are their own family, make us dinner far too often, and see us at our best and worst and still come back around. So with my sneaky plan to keep them nearby in place, I was scrambling for an option for Mae. Talking to other friends, who live in a small laneway house with their 2.5 year old, about my dilemma, they kindly offered their mini crib that was in storage.
Our first Mini Crib is the Babyletto Grayson (now the Babyletto Origami) and the borrowed Mini Crib is the Alma Mini Bloom. The two cribs are roughly the same length (give or take 2") but the main difference is the depth. The Babyletto is 25.5" wide while the Alma is 19.5", while 6" may not seem like a lot I have found it to make a significant difference in how long my baby will be able to use the mini crib. The additional 6" allows some rolling and shifting in the crib without banging into the hard sides. Some of this is dependant on your individual child. Theo liked being squished against the sides of the crib and seemed to find it comforting. Mae on the other hand, wakes herself up crying if she bumps into the sides of the crib or gets her arm or leg stuck in the gaps. Moreover, Theo has always been on the smaller and leaner side where Mae is consistently at the top of the chart for weight and height. What I am getting at here is that I don't see Mae lasting past her first birthday as a bigger baby in her current mini crib, while Theo lasted over 2 years as a smaller toddler in his slightly wider mini crib.
In my humble opinion I prefer the Babyletto Mini Crib for it's potential to last longer and be more comfortable for your baby. The Bloom Alma is a good alternative to a bassinet that could last up to 1 year depending on your baby's size and temperament. Where I could see the Bloom Alma being a good fit is if you are very limited for depth (like trying to fit the nursery into a closet or small nook). One more upside to the Babyletto Mini Crib is that the footprint is the same as a standard Pack n Play so finding a mattress is easier and more affordable. Previously I have considered all mini cribs to be the same and now I understand how subtle differences can have a big impact.
*Ed Note. As this post was written a few years ago it may be helpful to search for alternative mini cribs and compare sizing and reviews to find the one that works best for your current needs.
Mae at 7 months in the Bloom Alma with her Tuk and Milo bunny.
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