The Shared Kid's Bedroom Update
New Shelf and Mae for scale
We recently added a new shelf to the kid's room and thought I would take the opportunity to update how the room sharing is going. To recap they have been sharing since Mae was 4 or 5 months so about 14 months now. It's going well, I wonder if that's because there is no other option, ha! But truly, the kids seem to be doing fine. As mentioned in a previous post, we have gotten in the habit of staggered bedtimes (thanks to Em Morrice's advice!) which has been working well. It also serves double duty as it gives Theo some much needed one on one time with us. But just so we are clear sharing a room hasn't been perfect. Mae only started sleeping through the night a few months ago (honestly I am still so nervous about putting this in writing like somehow it will jinx us!). We were a bit lax on sleep training her and paid the price with one or two wake ups a night for many months. Theo is a very heavy sleeper and surprised us by sleeping through most of her crying but we never felt comfortable letting her cry for long periods with him in the room. So it was a bit of a chicken and egg scenario... was she a light sleeper because we responded too quickly to her cries or would she have been a light sleeper anyway. Would we have done more rigorous sleep training if we lived in a bigger place? Regardless, we survived and we've all been sleeping through the night since late November I think. I feel like I am still recovering and the new wrinkles on my face continue to tell the story of months of lost sleep.
While we installed the Wall Bunk Beds this summer, Theo is still sleeping on the bottom bunk as he is a very active sleeper and Mae is still in the mini crib. We tried moving Mae to the bottom bunk for a week or so but she had some falls out of it (even with everyone's advice about pool noodles and rolled up blankets, she managed to make her way out). But I am still so happy we put the beds in before we needed them as we often use the top bunk for quiet imaginative play for Theo or when he has a friend over and they want to play uninterrupted by toddlers. Also when we have playdates or friends with kids over we have the option of putting all the bunks away.
A few favourite things... plant, camera made by dad, a truck Theo always offers to donate to the thrift store, and the piggy bank I made for Theo
So anyway back to the shelf (Ikea Fjalkinge, an as-is score) ... I have dreams of having a kids room that is completely minimalist and would prefer that there was no shelf but I am giving in to needing a place for art supplies, linens and accessible toys. This shelf is wider and taller yet narrower than our previous shelf so it holds more but physically takes up less space in their small room. (and before anyone leaves a well meaning note about Ikea shelving falling over, we have secured it to the bulkhead).
I'm sure the layout will change but for now the kids seem to enjoy the ability to see their toys. The felt bins are currently holding Transformers in one, Magnetic Blocks in another and various cars and trains in the third. Now I just need to make sure they put everything back where it belongs (wish you could see my eyes rolling).
I've added a snake plant/mother-in-law's tongue to the shelf after I learned that they can survive in almost no light. Their room has just one small window and only gets indirect light. I am forever trying to come up with ways to make it cozy, yet bright in there. The Pothos hanging over the bunks is also a low light tropical that seems to be surviving in their room as well. I'm sure others in small spaces have similar low light issues in some of their rooms so thought it was worth mentioning!
I plan to do a new post on toys soon, though they are often rotating through our space but will share some mainstays and would love to hear your favourites!
I'm crunched sideways in their lower bunk to get this shot... it's a small room.